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Taiwan Sentinel

Lancé en janvier 2017, Taiwan Sentinel est un site d’information en ligne, entièrement en libre-accès, qui se propose d’analyser l’actualité à Taïwan et dans le détroit de Taïwan. Le rédacteur-en-chef est J. Michael Cole, un chercheur indépendant membre du CEFC (Hong Kong/Taipei) et du China Policy Institute de l’université de Nottingham (Royaume-Uni). Le site a une version en chinois et une autre en japonais.

The years ahead promise to be challenging ones for Taiwan. More than ever, its people need to engage the international community so that their nation’s complex situation and value to the world as a free democratic society are properly understood.

After a transformative 2016, which saw another peaceful transition of power in Taiwan, 2017 is now upon us and promises to be as, if not even more, eventful. A new administration will enter the White House in the U.S. later this month, and in China the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will hold its party congress later this year, during which the next generation of party leaders will be selected. In Taiwan, President Tsai Ing-wen will continue to face several challenges, from reviving the nation’s stagnant economy to navigating the uncertain waters of the U.S.-Taiwan-China trilateral relationship to facing off with a Chinese leadership that seems intent on punishing Taiwan for the democratic choices its people have made.As various factions and politicians jockey for positions ahead of the party congress in China, Chinese officials will have every incentive to demonstrate their firmness on Taiwan, which could create a rationale for a harder line in Beijing against the democratic island-nation of 23 million people and the government that represents them. Already there are signs that Beijing has decided to abandon the “diplomatic truce” that was installed during the Ma Ying-jeou administration and may seek to steal more of Taiwan’s official diplomatic allies.

Lire la suite de l’éditorial de J. Michael Cole du 2 janvier 2017

Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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