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Chinese Music as cross-culture

CHIME conference : Chinese Music as cross-culture. The 21st International meeting of CHIME, a worldwide platform of scholars and aficionados of Chinese music, will be hosted by the Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre (CCCM) in Lisbon, Portugal. This event, with panels, films, paper sessions, concerts, workshops and exhibitions, is organized in close cooperation with the Ethnomusicology Institute of the New University of Lisbon and the Confucius Institute of the University of Lisbon.


  • 9-13 May 2018


  • Macau Scientific & Cultural Centre & University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

The main theme: Chinese music as cross-culture 

In his pivotal book on Culture (1999), the anthropologist Adam Kuper argues that all culture is cross-culture: separating out any cultural sphere and treating it entirely in its own terms is a poor strategy, claims Kuper, because it tends to draw attention away from what human beings have in common, instead of encouraging us to communicate across national, regional, ethnic and religious boundaries, and to venture between them.

One specific focus will be musical instruments, bearing in mind that so many musical instruments now viewed as ‘Chinese’ were originally imported from abroad, or did eventually travel elsewhere – to Asia, to the West, including to the shores of Portugal and beyond.

Another subtheme explored in this conference will be the musico-cultural relations between Portugal and wider Asia, more specifically with China. Last but not least, we remain, as in every year’s meeting, a platform for presentations about on-going research in Chinese music.

Submission of abstracts

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 October, 2017.

The Programme Committee for the Lisbon Meeting consists of Enio de Souza (CCCM), Frank Kouwenhoven (CHIME), François Picard (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Helen Rees (UCLA) and Shao Ling (Universidade de Aveiro). Abstracts of around 300 words are invited for individual posters or for twenty-minute presentations on the conference theme.

Proposers may also submit panel sessions of a maximum of 120 minutes (including discussion). In this case, an abstract of around 300 words should detail the focus of the panel as a whole, with abstracts of 100-200 words for each contribution. Notification of acceptance or rejection will take place by 31 January, 2018.

All abstracts should be forwarded to the Programme Committee of the 21st Chime meeting, c/o Frank Kouwenhoven, Email:

More at:

Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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Monique Abud (5 octobre 2017). Chinese Music as cross-culture. ChinElectrodoc. Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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