明代職官中英辭典 — Chinese-English Dictionary of Ming Government Official Titles
Zhang, Ying; Xue, Susan; Xue, Zhaohui et al. (éd.). 明代職官中英辭典 = Chinese-English Dictionary of Ming Government Official Titles. First edition. UC Irvine, 2017. URL : https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2bz3v185 (consulté le 5 février 2018)
Projet de traduction collaboratif mené à l’université de Californie (Irvine) par des spécialistes de la dynastie des Ming. La première édition de ce travail a été mise en ligne en décembre 2017 et peut être consultée librement.
This bilingual dictionary is developed through a crowd-translation project that was funded by CEAL-Mellon. This is the first edition. The project team would encourage scholars to use it and to send us revision suggestions, if any. We will update the dictionary based upon your suggestions. Note that this version comes with a navigation menu. However, to be able to see and use the menu, one has to download the PDF file and open it up in Adobe.
The compilation of the dictionary is a collaborative effort among Ming scholars and Chinese studies researchers around the world. We very much appreciate the input from so many contributors, who have contributed their expertise and time to the crowd translation project.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Monique Abud (27 mars 2018). 明代職官中英辭典 — Chinese-English Dictionary of Ming Government Official Titles. ChinElectrodoc. Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/mr0i