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China and the World: Ancient and Modern Silk Road

L’éditeur singapourien World Scientific lance une nouvelle revue, China and the World : Ancient and Modern Silk Road, et à cette occasion met l’intégralité du numéro inaugural (vol. 1, n° 1-2, March 2018) en libre accès.

Conseillers à la rédaction

  • Yongnian Zheng (Director, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore)
  • Choon Fong Shih (Founding President of KAUST, Former President of the National University of Singapore)
  • Kevin O’Brien (Director, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley)
  • Jianjun Mei (Director, Needham Research Institute, Cambridge University)
  • Michael Szonyi (Director, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University)
  • Eng Chye Tan (President Designate, National University of Singapore)
  • Gungwu Wang (Chairman, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore)

Voir l’ensemble des membres du comité de rédaction

Editorial note

The rise of China, viewed with equal parts of unprecedented anticipation and anxiety, has been a focal point for much of the first two decades of  the 21st century. Chinese President Xi Jinping’s announcement of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013 has been greeted with a similar mix of

Currently, BRI spans 70 countries, encompasses almost 60% of the world’s population and, by some estimates, up to 40% of global GDP. Views of BRI are largely polarized. To address the myriad of concerns, misunderstanding and thirst for knowledge about China’s engagement in the 21st century with the rest of the world, the original idea of China and the World: Ancient and Modern Silk Roads was born. Through gathering subject experts in industry and the academic community, this journal aims to provide clear, succinct and topical insight into policies, international  collaboration and developments that affect both China and the global community.

In this first issue, the line-up of papers attest to the extensive reach of polices and initiatives such as BRI. From culture, economics to history, traditional medicine to geopolitics, the papers published in the first issue are merely first indicators of the impact of such policies as Chinese engagement with the world community deepens and expands.

The editorial board of China and the World reflects the mission of the journal in covering the spectrum of views and executive editors welcome cogent and thought-provoking papers to be submitted for each issue of the journal. The honest views and support of readers are that which fuel our determination to make this journal a true success.

K.K. Phua, Da Hsuan Feng

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Sommaire du vol. 1, n° 1-2

Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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