The Cultural Revolution in Images: Caricature Posters from Guangzhou, 1966–1977
Le n° 27 (juin 2018) de la revue trimestrielle en ligne et en libre-accès, Cross-Currents : East Asian History and Culture Review, comprend un “Photo Essay” de Laura Pozzi réalisé à partir de la base de données d’images sur la Révolution culturelle à Canton mise en ligne en avril 2018 par la bibliothèque de l’université chinoise de Hong Kong.
The Cultural Revolution in Images: Caricature Posters from Guangzhou, 1966–1977
Laura Pozzi, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
In April 2018, the University Library of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) launched a digital collection titled “The Cultural Revolution in Images: Caricature Posters from Guangzhou, 1966–1977” that made 216 caricature posters from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution available online for research and teaching purposes. As the curator of this digital exhibition, I had the opportunity to spend more than a year organizing, analyzing, and discussing with colleagues and students the content of these images. This photo essay aims to guide readers through the collection and present the preliminary results of my research about the production and purposes of these images. Besides providing readers with an overview of the material available in the digital collection, I will discuss how these artifacts enrich and challenge our knowledge of art during the Cultural Revolution, opening new questions about the production of art and grassroots politics in the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
Most of the pieces showcased in this collection are satirical caricatures depicting the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and were drawn in Guangzhou at the beginning or end of the Cultural Revolution. The CUHK Library acquired this collection with the help of book dealer Wong Chi Ching 黄志清. During the Cultural Revolution, Mr. Wong gathered Chinese books and magazines, which were later acquired by prestigious universities in Hong Kong and around the world. The CUHK Library initially purchased 158 posters from Mr. Wong between 2006 and 2008. The collector kindly donated another 58 scrolls to the library in 2015.
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Monique Abud (18 juillet 2018). The Cultural Revolution in Images: Caricature Posters from Guangzhou, 1966–1977. ChinElectrodoc. Consulté le 18 janvier 2025 à l’adresse