Roderick MacFarquhar (1930-2019) Article Collection
L’universitaire spécialiste de la Chine du 20e siècle, Roderick MacFarquhar (1930–2019), s’est éteint le 10 février dernier. Il avait été le premier éditeur de la revue The China Quarterly. Afin de lui rendre hommage, The China Quarterly a ouvert l’accès en ligne à une sélection de ses articles.
Liste des articles en libre accès
MacFarquhar, Roderick. “The China Quarterly and the History of the PRC.” The China Quarterly 188 (2006): 1092-097.
———. “Communist China’s Twenty Years: A Periodization.” The China Quarterly 39 (1969): 55-63.
———. “The Founding of The China Quarterly.” The China Quarterly 143 (1995): 692-96.
———. “On “Liberation”.” The China Quarterly 200 (2009): 891-94.
———. “On Photographs.” The China Quarterly 46 (1971): 289-307.
———. “The Once and Future Tragedy of the Cultural Revolution.” The China Quarterly 227 (2016): 599-603.
———. “Problems of Liberalization and the Succession at the Eighth Party Congress.” The China Quarterly 53 (1973): 617-46.
———. “Provincial People’s Congresses.” The China Quarterly 155 (1998): 656-67.
———. “The China Quarterly and the History of the PRC.” The China Quarterly 188 (2006), 1092–97. doi:10.1017/S0305741006000567.
———. “The Founding of The China Quarterly.” The China Quarterly 143 (1995), 692–96. doi:10.1017/S0305741000015009.
———. “Communist China’s Twenty Years: A Periodization.” The China Quarterly 39 (1969), 55–63. doi:10.1017/S0305741000049316.
———. “The Once and Future Tragedy of the Cultural Revolution.” The China Quarterly 227 (2016), 599–603. doi:10.1017/S0305741016000400.
———. “On ‘Liberation.’” The China Quarterly 200 (2009), 891–94. doi:10.1017/S0305741009990919.
———. “On Photographs.” The China Quarterly 46 (1971), 289–307. doi:10.1017/S0305741000010705.
———. “Problems of Liberalization and the Succession at the Eighth Party Congress Roderick MacFarquhar.” The China Quarterly 53 (1973), 617–46. doi:10.1017/S0305741000006421.
———. “Provincial People’s Congresses.” The China Quarterly 155 (1998), 656–67. doi:10.1017/S0305741000050037.
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