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Tang Junyi. Confucian Philosophy and the Challenge of Modernity

Fröhlich, Thomas. Tang Junyi. Confucian philosophy and the challenge of modernity. Leiden : Brill, 2017. (Modern Chinese philosophy ; 13). ISBN : 978-90-04-33014-6. [En ligne]. URL : (consulté le 20 juin 2019]  

L’ouvrage est en libre accès intégral sur le site de l’éditeur Brill.


Tang Junyi’s modern Confucianism ranks among the most ambitious philosophical projects in 20th century China. In Tang Junyi: Confucian Philosophy and the Challenge of Modernity, Thomas Fröhlich examines Tang Junyi’s intellectual reaction to a time of cataclysmic change marked by two Chinese revolutions (1911 and 1949), two world wars, the Cold War period, rapid modernization in East Asia, and the experience of exile.

The present study fundamentally questions widespread interpretations that depict modern Confucianism as essentially traditionalist and nationalistic. Thomas Fröhlich shows that Tang Junyi actually challenges such interpretations with an insightful understanding of the modern individual’s vulnerability, as well as a groundbreaking reinterpretation of Confucianism as the civil-theological foundation for liberal democracy in China.

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Les Œuvres complètes de Tang Junyi (Taibei, 1989) sont disponibles à la bibliothèque du CECMC.

Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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Monique Abud (1 juillet 2019). Tang Junyi. Confucian Philosophy and the Challenge of Modernity. ChinElectrodoc. Consulté le 18 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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