Publications d’Émilie Frenkiel
Publications d’Émilie Frenkiel, maître de conférences à l’Université Paris-Est/Créteil Val-de-Marne.
1. Frenkiel, Émilie (avec Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal). The Redistribution of representation through participation : participatory budgeting in Chengdu and Delhi. Politics and Governance, vol. 7, n° 3 (2019), p. 112-123.
Texte intégral de l’article disponible en accès libre sur Cogitatio Press : (consulté le 2 octobre 2019)
A strong contention of the “representative turn” is that representation is consubstantial with politics (Saward, 2010). One way to test the heuristic value of this vision is to look for representation in an institution that was historically built against representation, namely participatory budgeting (PB), a democratic innovation that has spread globally with exceptional rapidity. The literature on PB identifies two types of relationships between participation and representation: (i) participa-tion “challenges” (Houtzager & Gurza Lavalle, 2009) existing forms and principles of representation (through “assumed representation” by civil society activists; or through “citizen agents”; Montambeault, 2016); or (ii) participation is “instrumentalised” (Fischer, 2012) by classic forms and actors of representation. On the basis of a comparative analysis of PBexperiences in Chengdu (China) and Delhi (India), we argue in this article that a third type of relationship can be observed:participation—as implemented through PB—can also redistribute representation insofar as new, official representative roles are created. Moreover, looking at these new roles provides important clues about the principles of representation that are implemented and therefore about the transformative nature of PB.
2. Frenkiel, Émilie (avec Anna Shpakovskaya). The evolution of representative claim-making by the Chinese communist party: from Mao to Xi (1949–2019. Politics and Governance, vol. 7, n° 3 (2019), pp. 208-219.
Texte intégral de l’article disponible en accès libre sur Cogitatio Press : (consulté le 2 octobre 2019)
This article traces the evolution of representative claim-making by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since the proclamation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 up to the present day. Based on the analysis of official political discourses onthe mass line, the Three Represents and more recent ongoing discourses on digitalization, we demonstrate the change and continuity of claim-making by the CCP. We show that while representative claim-making has undergone a significant trans-formation from the CCP as the representative of the working class to the sole representative of the Chinese people and nation, the CCP has been consistent throughout decades in maintaining its hegemony over representative claim-making.
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Monique Abud (2 octobre 2019). Publications d’Émilie Frenkiel. ChinElectrodoc. Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse