Journalisme en Asie, nationalisme digital (Books&ideas)
Sur le site Books&ideas, dossier sur le journalisme en Asie, introduit par Emilie Frenkiel (Université Paris Est Créteil), avec deux articles sur la Chine :
- Frenkiel, Emilie. Critical journalism in China. About: Maria Repnikova, Media Politics in China, Cambridge University Press. [En ligne] Books&ideas, 23 September 2019. URL :
Despite strict censorship and control, the Chinese party-state and journalists also sometimes interact in a collaborative manner. Constructive investigative reports serve as go
- Salmon, Nolwenn. Free from Politics? : Chinese Environmental Journalists Between Neutrality and Commitment. [En ligne] Books&ideas, 30 September 2019. URL :
This study of China’s environmental journalists gives us an insight into the way they navigate the constraints of the Chinese media and their way of conceiving of politics, professionalism and their role as journalists.
Egalement sur Books&ideas, interview de Florian Schneider (Université de Leyden), par Emilie Frenkiel, sur le nationalisme digital en Chine:
- Frenkiel, Emilie. China’s digital nationalism and the Hong Kong protests : an interview with Florian Schneider. [En ligne] Books&ideas, 5 September 2019. URL :
Nationalist discourses take the lion share of politics-related discussions on the Chinese Internet. In the context of intense struggles over the interpretation of the Hong Kong protests, this interview with Florian Schneider sheds light on the complexity of online political and identity expression in China and elsewhere.
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Monique Abud (7 octobre 2019). Journalisme en Asie, nationalisme digital (Books&ideas). ChinElectrodoc. Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse