Appel à contributions : Asian Studies in Africa
Asian Studies in Africa: the Challenges and Prospects of a New Axis of Intellectual Interaction
15 – 17 January 2015
1 April 2014
Accra, Ghana
The conference
Organised by A-ASIA in cooperation with the International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS), “Asian Studies in Africa” will be the first ever conference held in Africa to bring together a multidisciplinary ensemble of scholars and institutions from the continent and the rest of the world with a shared focus on Asia and Asia-Africa intellectual interactions.
The conference, through panels and roundtables, will seek to assess the prospects for Asian Studies in Africa in a global context by addressing a number of theoretical and empirical questions that such an enterprise will raise: How should Asian studies be framed in Africa? Is Asian studies relevant for Africa? What is the current state of capacity (institutional, intellectual, personnel, and so on) for Asian studies in Africa and can this be improved and how? How does (and must it?) Asian studies dovetail into the broader field of ‘Area studies’, as it has been developed mainly in Western institutions? Are new narratives required for understanding the very visible contemporary presence of Asia in Africa and Africa in Asia?
Call for panels, roundtables and papers
We invite proposals for (institutional) panels, roundtables, papers and book presentations in the fields of Asian-African interactions studies.
Proposals should be submitted in English, French or Portugese by online submission form before 1 April 2014.
The online submission forms and guidelines are available on the conference website.
Those whose proposals have been accepted will be notified by 1 June 2014. The working languages of the conference will be English, French and Portuguese, but all power point presentations must be in English.
The organisers
A-Asia was established in November 2012 in Chisamba, Zambia, on the occasion of the ‘Asian Studies in Africa’ roundtable which was organised by the University of Zambia (UNZA), the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) and the South-South Exchange Programme for Research on the History of Development (SEPHIS).
ICAS is the premier gathering of Asia scholars in the world. Since its foundation in 1997, ICAS has brought more than fifteen thousand Asia scholars from 60 countries together at 8 conventions which has resulted in new long term international research partnerships and many publications. The ICAS Secretariat is hosted by IIAS.
Please address all enquiries to: Ms Martina van den Haak at
More information on the conference website
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Monique Abud (2 janvier 2014). Appel à contributions : Asian Studies in Africa. ChinElectrodoc. Consulté le 18 janvier 2025 à l’adresse