Base de données d’art contemporain de Taïwan
Une base de données d’art contemporain de Taïwan a été mise en ligne le 19 février 2014 par l’Association des arts visuels de Taïwan (AVAT). Cette plateforme est construite sur un modèle wiki et est bilingue chinois-anglais.
This database is planned and established by the Association of the Visual Art in Taiwan(AVAT). Comprehensively collecting information of contemporary Taiwanese artists, such as personal introduction, exhibition, research, publication that show both the experiences as well creative process of the artists, AVAT aims to provide the most complete and up-to-date information for your research or exhibition-planning, by offering you access to the database with such comprehensiveness, accuracy and unbiasedness.
In current phase, the database starts with categories including Performance Art, Video Art, and New Media Art, 20~25 artists are included in each of the category respectively, consisting of 69 pieces of data of artists or art event in total. It is expected to be expanded as time being, as to provide service to more artists, researchers, and exhibition planners. The database is known for the integrity and accuracy of every data included.
Consulter la base de données
- Taiwan contemporary art archive (site en anglais)
- 台灣當代藝術資料庫介紹 (site en chinois)
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Monique Abud (4 mars 2014). Base de données d’art contemporain de Taïwan. ChinElectrodoc. Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse