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Librairies de Taipei

Academics must visit these bookshops in Taipei, Taiwan: “a place of pilgrimage for any booklover”

Taipei is certainly one of Asia’s most modern and forward-looking cities, a fact which interestingly enough seems to be mirrored in its two main bookstore chains: Eslite and Page One.

Eslite boasts over forty bookstores throughout Taiwan, with over twenty in Taipei alone. Its original Dunhua South Road store is famously open 24 hours, yet its flagship store in Xinyi District (just a 5 minute walk from the City Hall MRT Station) is a modern temple to the book, a definite place of pilgrimage which any booklover visiting the city simply must see. It is Taiwan’s biggest bookshop and holds in excess of some 300,000 titles in stock, with over a million books on its shelves.

EsliteCredit: Robyn Lee CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Eslite mainly caters for the Chinese, Japanese, and English language readers, yet they also carry most other major European languages as well. These bookshops are noted for their clean aesthetic and relaxed atmosphere; they have a distinctly modern feel with wooden floors and artfully designed shelves, yet the atmosphere is very much generated by the clientele. Customers are encouraged to browse with some appearing to be permanently camped out at the tables and chairs of the designated reading areas, as well as sitting on the floor filling every nook and cranny afforded within the aisles.

Read the full text on LSE Review of Books

Jacqueline Nivard

Jacqueline Nivard, Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine

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Jacqueline Nivard (28 avril 2014). Librairies de Taipei. ChinElectrodoc. Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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