Journal of Chinese Humanities =文史哲 en accès libre
Journal of Chinese Humanities = 文史哲. ISSN : 2352-1333.
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4. enter access token and manage your publication alertsThe peer-reviewed journal, Journal of Chinese Humanities is an English edition of the Chinese Journal of Literature, History and Philosophy (Wen Shi Zhe《文史哲》), a reputable Chinese journal published by Shandong University, China. The English edition is an extension of the original edition (Wen Shi Zhe). The content is not restricted to one aspect of Chinese culture but rather spans important topics within the fields of history, philosophy, and literature. It also covers both traditional and modern areas of research. Importantly, as opposed to most English language journals on Chinese studies, this journal aims to represent the current research coming out of mainland China. This way, top scholars in China will be able to be read in the Western world, and Western scholars will benefit from a native perspective and first hand material coming out of China. Every issue will be theme-based, focusing on an issue of common interest to the academic community both within and outside China. This journal primarily targets academics in the English-speaking world who are interested in various aspects of Chinese civilization. It will be of interest to both scholars and advanced students, both specialists and informed readers. It aims to become one of the best windows for the English world to learn about Chinese literature, history and philosophy.
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Monique Abud (11 juillet 2014). Journal of Chinese Humanities =文史哲 en accès libre. ChinElectrodoc. Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse