After Migration and Religious Affiliation
Avec un article d’Isabelle Lausent-Herreara intitulé : Between catholicim and evangelism;: The Peruvian Chinese community. Isabelle Lausent-Herrera (CNRS) donnera en février prochain une conférence au CECMC dans le cadre du séminaire de Xavier Paulès “Les Chinois en Amérique latine sous la République”.
This is a timely book that fills the gap in the study of Chinese overseas and their religions in the global context. Rich in ethnographic materials, this is the first comprehensive book that shows the transnational religious networks among the Chinese of different nationalities and between the Chinese overseas and the regions in China. The book highlights diverse religious traditions including Chinese popular religion, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, and discusses inter-cultural influences on religions, their localization, their significance to cultural belonging, and the transnational nature of religious affiliations and networking.
Sample Chapter(s)
Introduction (152 KB)
Chapter 1: The Mazu Worship on the Island of Java (369 KB)
- Chinese Religious Traditions and Living in the Diaspora:
- The Mazu Worship on the Island of Java (Myra Sidharta)
- State and “Chinese Religions” in Indonesia: Confucianism, Tridharma and Buddhism During the Suharto Rule and After (Leo Suryadinata)
- Under the Buddha’s Shadow: Buddhism and the Chinese in Myanmar (Duan Ying)
- Teaching about Qi: Knowledge Transmission among Chinese Ethnic Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the United States (Emily S Wu)
- Localization and Chinese Religious Traditions:
- Syncretism as Religious Identity: Chinese Religious Culture in the Philippines (Aristotle C Dy and Teresita Ang See)
- Datuk Kong Worship and Chinese Religion in Malaysia: Reflections of Syncretism, Pragmatism and Inclusiveness (Lee Yok Fee and Chin Yee Mun)
- Christianity, Islam and the Chinese Overseas:
- Religious Affiliation and Propensity to Christianity of Chinese in Canada (Eva Xiaoling Li and Peter S Li)
- Between Catholicism and Evangelism: The Peruvian Chinese Community (Isabelle Lausent-Herrera)
- Overseas Chinese Protestant Churches in Japan: Changes as Witnessed from Their Stance Toward Christian Mission Activities (Kainei Mori)
- Junus Jahja and Chinese-Indonesian Muslims in Indonesia (Chiou Syuan-yuan)
- Religious Affiliations and Transnational Networks:
- Japanese Buddhism and Chinese Sub-ethnic Culture: Instances of a Chinese Buddhist Organization from Shantou to Vietnam (Satohiro Serizawa)
- Transnational Ritual Practices among the Chinese Migrants in Spain (Irene Masdeu Torruella)
- Ancestral God, Locality God, and Chinese Transnational Pilgrimage (Tan Chee-Beng)
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Jacqueline Nivard (23 décembre 2014). After Migration and Religious Affiliation. ChinElectrodoc. Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse