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Islam in China/China in Islam

Islam in China/China in Islam. Edited by Matthew S. Erie and Allen Carlson. Cross-Currents E-Journal, 12 (September 2014). En ligne : (Consulté le 6 janvier 2015).

blue_squareThe theme of this issue—“Islam in China/China in Islam”—was proposed to us by guest editors Matthew S. Erie (Princeton) and Allen Carlson (Cornell) and builds on a successful conference on “The Everyday Life of Islam: Focus on Islam in China,” held in 2012 at Cornell University. The theme is timely, given the current unrest centered in northwestern Xinjiang, and the topic dovetailed closely with a conference on “Forms of Exchange: China and the Muslim World,” held at UC Berkeley’s Institute of East Asian Studies in April 2013.

As Erie and Carlson state in their introduction, the relationship between China and Islam “is not one of opposition, but rather one of cultural, linguistic, and economic imbrication.” Yet, or perhaps therefore, the topic of China’s position in expanding global discourses on Islam is “one of the most sensitive topics for scholarship in and on China.” The five articles featured in this issue examine the status of Muslim minorities as citizens of a socialist state and cultural subjects of China and nuance the study of Muslim minorities in contemporary politics. The epilogue by Jonathan Lipman (Mount Holyoke) articulates the themes that unify this special issue and highlights the collection’s diverse perspectives and contributions.

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Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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