Base de données sur le cinéma dans la presse chinoise du début du 20e siècle
Base de données sur le cinéma chinois
dans la presse chinoise du début du 20e siècle
Academy of Film and HKBU Library launch database on film news in early Chinese newspapers for free public access
A launching seminar was held yesterday (18 March) for a collaborative digital humanities project between Professor Emilie Yeh, Director of Academy of Film of the School of Communication, and the Hong Kong Baptist University Library. The resulting database on film-related materials in early Chinese newspapers is now available online for free public access. Among the participants at the launching seminar was Ms Janet Young, Head of Hong Kong Film Archive.
Professor Emilie Yeh, principal investigator of the project, introduced the background of the database, saying that the research team spent three years to collect over 22,000 records on film advertisements, news and reviews published between 1900 and 1950 in eight selected Chinese newspapers from late Qing to the Republican era in four cities: Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Tianjin. Professor Yeh said that during the research process, new primary historical documents were uncovered which greatly facilitated the reconstruction of the early cinema scene in these regions. She also shared some interesting findings, such as the discovery of various translations of the word “movie” used in different regions in China.
Source : MCLC Resource Center (The Ohio State University)
- Site Internet de la base de données (en chinois)
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Monique Abud (23 mars 2015). Base de données sur le cinéma dans la presse chinoise du début du 20e siècle. ChinElectrodoc. Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse