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Left-behind children and return migration in China

Démurger, Sylvie, Xu Hui. Left-behind children and return migration in China. IZA Journal of Migration, 2015, 4:10. [En ligne] DOI : 10.1186/s40176-015-0035-x (Consulté le 2 juin 2015)

This paper examines how left-behind children influence migration duration in China. We first present a simple illustrative model that incorporates economic and non-economic motives to migration duration. Using individual data from a survey carried out in Wuwei county (Anhui province) in 2008, we find that migrant parents of children in primary school tend to delay their return, a result we interpret as illustrating the need for migrant parents to accumulate money for their offspring’s education. In contrast, parental time appears substitutable by coresiding grandparents who contribute to delay the parents’ return, especially mothers, when they have children below the age of 12.

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Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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