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150e anniversaire de la naissance de Sven Hedin (1865-1952)

IDP News. Newsletter of the International Dunhuang Project – IDP: The Silk Road Online. Spring 2015, 45. 12 p. ISSN 1354-5914

logo2015 is the 150th anniversary of the Swedish explorer, Sven Hedin, and we mark this with articles by Håkan Wahlquist on Sven Hedin and other Swedish visitors to Dunhuang, the events held to commemorate this anniversary, and the Sven Hedin Project. The Sven Foundation at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm relaunched its website for the occasion. Artefacts from the Hedin collection are being made available through IDP.

On 19 February 2015 the 150th anniversary of Sven Hedin’s birth was commemorated in Stockholm. A minor symposium was held in the Museum of Ethnography. The idea was to provide some examples of the multitude of uses to which the Hedin material and archives are put today. The Sven Hedin Foundation provides texts and photographs for translations and publications of Hedin’s books in many different languages; recently Uygur, Korean, Mongolian and Arabic have been added to the list. Cartographic material is provided to pinpoint sites for palaeontological finds, photographs to determine changes in the extent of glaciers, or the resilience of buildings to withstand earthquakes. Photographs are supplied to show what archaeological sites once looked like. Photographs for publication come from Hedin’s rich collections of portraits. The archives are drawn upon for
researchers in geo- as well as human sciences; people who write biographies of artists, authors, politicians, military and fellow researchers, and scholars who work on the history of science. Those were just some examples given during a well-attended afternoon.

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Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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