Asian Highlands Perspectives
Asian Highlands Perspectives (AHP) est une revue transdisciplinaire, qui se consacre à la recherche sur le plateau tibétain et les régions environnantes. La revue est disponible dans deux formats : imprimé (ISSN 1835-7741) et en ligne (ISSN 1925-6329). La version en ligne est en open access, et peut donc être consultée librement à l’adresse suivante :
Asian Highlands Perspectives (AHP) is a trans-disciplinary journal focusing on the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions, including the Southeast Asian Massif, Himalayan Massif, the Extended Eastern Himalayas, the Mongolian Plateau, and other contiguous areas. Cross-regional commonalities in history, culture, language, and socio-political context invite investigations of an interdisciplinary nature not served by current academic forums. AHP contributes to the regional research agendas of Sinologists, Tibetologists, Mongolists, and South and Southeast Asianists, while also forwarding theoretical discourse on grounded theory, interdisciplinary studies, and collaborative scholarship.
AHP welcomes submissions from a wide range of scholars with an interest in the area. Given the dearth of current knowledge on this culturally complex area, we encourage submissions of descriptive accounts of local realities – especially by authors from communities in the Asian Highlands – as well as theory-oriented articles. We publish items of irregular format – long articles, short monographs, photo essays, fiction, auto-ethnography, etc. Authors receive a PDF version of their published work. Potential contributors are encouraged to consult previous issues.
Plus d’informations (présentation et archives de la revue)
Dernier n° paru : Centering the Local: A Festschrift for Dr. Charles Kevin Stuart on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday (vol. 37, 2015)
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Monique Abud (31 juillet 2015). Asian Highlands Perspectives. ChinElectrodoc. Consulté le 21 septembre 2024 à l’adresse