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CFP: Urbanization and Land Development in China’s Interior and Frontier Regions


  • David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies (LEWI), Hong Kong Baptist University
    Institute of Creativity, Hong Kong Baptist University


David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies (LEWI), Hong Kong Baptist University (14-15 December 2015)


  • Abstracts: 1 September 2015
  • Papers: 31 October 2015

About the conference

Much of urban China research has focused on the eastern coastal region and leading metropolises such as Beijing and Shanghai. Relatively little is known about urbanization and urban land development in the interior and western frontier regions. While the market-oriented reforms have further marginalized these regions, they have benefited from massive injections of funds under the Go West policy instituted since 2000. This conference aims to exemplify inter-disciplinary, inter-institutional and international academic collaboration, to explore and examine the many facets of urbanization and urban land development in China’s lagging inland and frontier regions.
The conference is particularly timely, given China’s current pledge to develop “a new type of urbanization” which purports to be more socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable, and to rebuild the Silk Road, the millennia-old trade route that spans China’s Hexi Corridor in the Northwest through Central Asia and the Middle East to Europe.

More information

Monique Abud

Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France

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