Call for Photo Essays – Cross-Currents
Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, a quarterly, open-access online journal, is accepting proposals for photo essays.
Photo essays include: 1) 20-40 high-quality images with descriptive captions and complete source information, 2) a curator’s statement, and 3) a longer non-peer reviewed essay (8-15 pages) contextualizing the photographs and highlighting their significance for current trends of inquiry in Asian studies. This essay can be written by the curator or by an invited scholar. To view archived Cross-Currents photo essays, please click here.
The photographs should be taken in China, Korea, Japan, or Vietnam. They may be contemporary images taken as part of the curator’s research or archival materials. Please consult the Cross-Currents mission statement to determine whether the proposed essay fits within the journal’s historical and disciplinary scope. Obtaining copyright permissions for all images is the responsibility of the curator.
Proposals should include: 5-10 sample images (as a single PDF); a one-page description of the theme of the essay and the timeliness/importance of the images to scholars of Asia; a brief bio paragraph about the curator; and complete contact information.
Please email proposals to Keila Diehl, Managing Editor, at
Source: H-Asia (consulté le 12 août 2015)
Lire le numéro de juin 2015 : Governing Marriage Migrations: Perspectives from Mainland China and Taiwan.
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