Où sont passés les ancêtres ? Morts et vivants dans une famille chinoise d’aujourd’hui
Jing Wang, Où sont passés les ancêtres ?Morts et vivants dans une famille chinoise d’aujourd’hui, L’Homme, 2015/2 (N°214).
Established through the memory and experiences shared by a Chinese family, that of the author, the study follows the evolution of ancestor worship in its relation with the funeral practices in a big city. In the 1980s, the ancestors still had their room in the house, shared the daily meals and the festive activities with the family and maintained ritualized and personal relationships. However, the construction of the city, the disappearance of the grandmother (leader of the ritual practices), the end of the cohabitation of several couples in the same family, and the new funeral politics of the State transformed this situation. How did the ancestors get distanced from the living ? What methods is the family using to recreate the link deemed necessary ? In this situation, the anxiety to perform morally appropriate actions in avoidance of guilt seems to have replaced the once natural custom.
Plan de l’article
- Les ancêtres parmi nous
- Déménagements
- Aujourd’hui, la coutume en débat
- Bricoler le passage
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Jacqueline Nivard (16 octobre 2015). Où sont passés les ancêtres ? Morts et vivants dans une famille chinoise d’aujourd’hui. ChinElectrodoc. Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/mqsb