The Patriot’s Scientific Diet
Lee, Seung-Joon. The patriot’s scientific diet : nutrition science and dietary reform campaigns in China, 1910s-1950s. Modern Asian Studies, 49:6 (November 2015), p. 1808-1839. DOI : (consulté le 15 octobre 2015)
This article explores how nutrition science became a significant part of the nation-building project in both Republican China and the early People’s Republic of China within the context of burgeoning popular concerns over bodily health and an increasing sense of urgency. Insofar as nutrition science offered a new type of expertise about what to eat and what not to eat in daily life, it entailed harnessing the state’s potential persuasive power to garner willing compliance, if not tacit obedience, from the population. Unlike previous scholarship, which takes the viewpoint of government authorities and the medical elite, this article argues that popular concerns about bodily health and culinary curiosity that were prevalent in major Chinese cities helped to popularize state-led dietary reform campaigns that culminated during the Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) and continued even after the revolutionary regime change in the 1950s.
Lire l’article sur Cambridge Journals Online (accès restreint)
Voir aussi
- Lee, Seung-Joon. Taste in numbers: science and the food problem in republican Guangzhou, 1927–1937. Twentieth-Century China, 35:2 (April 2010), p. 81-103. DOI: (consulté le 15 octobre 2015)
- Page personnelle de Lee Seung-Joon sur le site de l’université nationale de Singapour
- Périodique sur support papier disponible à la bibliothèque de la Maison de l’Asie
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