Ars Orientalis (vol. 1-41) en ligne et en accès libre
Ars Orientalis. [Washington, etc.] : Freer Gallery of Art [etc.], 1954-. ISSN : 0571-1371 0571-1371
Thanks to a digitization effort made possible with help from Smithsonian Libraries and the Internet Archive, we can now offer Ars Orientalis volumes 1 to 41 free of charge to viewers worldwide. Flip through these pages online, or download files to your digital library for later reading.
Ars Orientalis is a joint publication of the Freer Gallery of Art and University of Michigan’s History of Art Department. The journal originated from the ideals of two visionary men: Charles Lang Freer, the Detroit industrialist who donated the art collection that formed the Freer Gallery of Art, and Mehmet Ağa-Oğlu, a Near Eastern art curator at the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) and the first professor of Islamic art in the United States at the University of Michigan (UM).
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Monique Abud (23 janvier 2016). Ars Orientalis (vol. 1-41) en ligne et en accès libre. ChinElectrodoc. Consulté le 18 septembre 2024 à l’adresse